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Terms And Conditions

The Website uses cookies. A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we place on your electronic device. We use these cookies for various purposes:

  • Security cookies are used in order to protect the Website from fraud, abuse, and cyberattacks;
  • Essential cookies are used to provide you with the functionality of the Website: without these cookies the Website simply will not work;
  • Analytics cookies are used to distinguish you from other visitors of the Website. This helps us to analyse how the Website is used by its audience, and, in some cases, to provide you with full functionality of the Website.


  1. This Agreement is a public contract (art.396 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan) according to which the Executor undertakes an obligation to render the Services to an uncertain circle of people (Customers) who have applied for the said Services.
  2. Publication (posting) of the text of this Agreement on the website at the following address: https://sunnysmm.com is a public offer (offer) of the Contractor addressed to an indefinite circle of persons to conclude this Agreement.
  3. Conclusion of this Agreement is made by means of accession of the Customer to this Agreement, i.e. by means of acceptance (acceptance) of conditions of this Agreement by the Customer as a whole without any conditions, exceptions and reservations (art. 389 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
  4. The fact of the Customer’s acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement is the payment by the Customer for the ordered Services in the order and on the terms and conditions determined by this Agreement.
  5. This Contract, subject to observance of the order of its acceptance, is considered to be concluded in a simple written form of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Cookies used by the Website.

Essential and Security Cookies. These cookies are essential and enable you to use the Website and provide access to the features of the Website. Some cookies (see below) are used in order to protect the Website. These cookies cannot be disabled.

Name of the cookieSourceExpiration timePurpose of use
__cfduidThe Website.1 month.This cookie is a security feature deployed by us in order to protect this Website. The _cfduid does not allow for cross-site tracking. It also does not allow for Cloudflare to follow visitors from site to site by merging various _cfduid identifiers into a profile. Rather, Cloudflare places the _cfduid cookie in a visitor’s web browser after the user has met certain security requirements. The _cfduid is a one-way hash of certain values and cannot be used to personally identify the individual.
XSRF-TOKENThe Website.Session.The XSRF-TOKEN provides protection from Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. This cookie is session related, and is deleted when the browser is closed.
laravel_sessionThe Website.Session.This cookie is used internally for uploading or renewing website content.
cookies_settingsThe Website.1 month.This cookie remembers your cookie preferences on the Website.

Analytics cookies. 

We use analytics cookies to collect information about how visitors and users of the Website use our Website. You can always withdraw your consent to the usage of these cookies here.

Name of the cookieSourceExpiration timePurpose of use
_gaGoogle Analytics.2 years.These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use the Website. We use this information in order to improve and enhance our Website.
_gid2 hours.
_gat_gtag_UA_143767109_11 minute.
_gat1 minute.